should your bowels float or sink

Generally, poop should sink. If your poop is solid and occasionally floats, it could just be that you ate an especially large amount of fiber that day, which isn't anything to write home about. But if your poop floats regularly, it could be a sign that you aren't digesting fat. "Your poo shouldn't normally float," the Taymount Clinic told "If your gut is doing its job, you should be digesting oils and fats which will make your stool sink. "The odd floater... Although it's natural to flush and hit the sink without a second glance, taking a peek at


should your bowels float or sink
should your poop float or sink dr oz
should your faeces float or sink
does your stool float or sink
will your poop float or sink
your poop float or sink
should a healthy poop float or sink
should your bowel movement float or sink
should my stools float or sink

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